Latest Tracks

“No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for whom it can feel trust and reverence”

George Eliot

Vinyl record
Vinyl record

Latest: Fade Away

Hyperbits Module 4

Vinyl record
Vinyl record

Track 1: Railroad

Chillout, downbeat, downtempo.

Vinyl record
Vinyl record

Track 2: Bittersweet

Melancholic Indie pop.

Vinyl record
Vinyl record

Track 3: Cardboard Cutout

Dark Techno – Coming this Halloween…

Vinyl record
Vinyl record

Latest: Forever

Hyperbits Module 2 Homework

Vinyl record
Vinyl record

Track 4: Walls of Kuku

Out-of-body experience.

Vinyl record
Vinyl record

Track 5: Baby Baby

Poppy EDM.

To see all music by monophreak, click on the music page in the menu – or click here.

“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen”.

Ernest Hemingway

Are you a singer?

Can record into a microphone?

If you want to work on a track, get in touch.